Keansburg Police Department    

Phone: (732) 787-0600
Drug Hotline: (732) 495-1590


Andrew Gogan
Chief of Police

Sandra Burton
Deputy Chief of Police


Promoting Diversity in Law Enforcement Recruiting and Hiring



It is the policy of the Keansburg Police Department to strive for a workforce that reflects the diversity of the Borough of Keansburg.


The purpose of this procedure is to ensure our agency is making every effort to have a workforce who reflect the diversity of the population of the Borough of Keansburg. 


Applicant:  An “applicant” is an individual who has applied for employment as a law enforcement officer with our agency, regardless of whether or not the individual has undergone an examination, a background check, or any other prerequisites to employment used by our agency.

Law enforcement agency:  a department, division, bureau, commission, board or other authority of the State or of any political subdivision thereof which has by statute or ordinance the responsibility of detecting and enforcing the general criminal laws of this State.

Law enforcement officerany person who is employed as a permanent full-time member of an enforcement agency, who is statutorily empowered to act for the detection, investigation, arrest, and conviction of persons violating the criminal laws of this State and statutorily required to successfully complete a training course approved, or certified as being substantially equivalent to an approved course, by the Police Training Commission pursuant to P.L.1961, c.56 (C.52:17B-66 et seq.).


A.    Establishing a program


1.      The goal of the program is to ensure our agency is comprised of law enforcement officers who reflect the diversity of the population of the Borough of Keansburg. Our agency will make a good faith effort to meet specific goals for recruiting a diverse workforce, in terms of people of color and gender diversity.


2.      Our agency will be responsible for establishing its own specific program goals.  The program goals will be set based on the outcome of our agencies annual recruitment report which will be completed by administration by January 31st of each year. Our agency will analyze the demographics of its law enforcement officers and determine if there is a substantial disparity between the racial, ethnic, and gender representation within the law enforcement officer ranks as compared with the racial, ethnic, and gender representation in the relevant population of the Borough of Keansburg based on the most recent US Census data. 


3.      The program goals will be outlined in our Annual Recruitment Program which will be posted on our department website. 


B.     Addressing underrepresentation


1.      Addressing the identified underrepresentation which is detailed in the program goals will be outlined in the Action Plan of the Annual Recruitment Program.   The means of addressing underrepresentation shall not include quotas or any other legally impermissible provisions.


C.  Methods of Evaluation


1.      Each year administration will evaluate whether the goals of the recruitment program are achieved by reviewing the Annual Recruitment Report.  If the report reveals that any substantial disparities have been reduced or increased our agency will revise the program goals accordingly.  Administration will recommend new recruitment program goals annually based on the results of the previous year and forward them to the Chief of Police for approval.    


D.  Public Posting


1.      The program, including a description of the data used to determine the existence of any underrepresentation, shall be posted on our department website


E. Annual Reporting

 1.      By January 31st of each year, administration will complete the annual recruitment report and forward the report to the Monmouth County Prosecutor’s Office. 


2.      The data collected for the annual recruitment report shall be published in the Keansburg Police Department’s Annual Report.  

 a.       The Keansburg Police Department Recruitment Program shall be updated annually to reflect the findings of the Annual Recruitment Report.


Promoting Diversity in Law Enforcement 2021

Promoting Diversity in Law Enforcement 2022

Promoting Diversity in Law Enforcement 2023






331 Carr Ave., Keansburg, New Jersey 07734
Phone: 732-787-0600
Drug Hotline: 732-495-1590

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